Multi hand blackjack rules

In the blackjack game, the act at the gaming table that means everything is the intense competition between the gamer and the casino. Both sides are given cards that should be counted. The result of the game is defined by this counting. The best possible count that every participant is striving to is twenty-one. Exceeding it means losing immediately. There are three outcomes that will satisfy the gamer: he obtains 21 points; he obtains a bigger count than the dealer and this count is less than 21; the dealer exceeds 21 and he does not. All these events mean that the gamer wins against the casino. This basic rule is the same for both the regular blackjack game and the multi-hand one. The gameplay of the multi-hand version The multi-hand version is considered as a more enticing variation of blackjack than a regular one. They have the same gameplay with…

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